Sunday, 26 November 2017

Sharon's Week 47: Crisscross Applesauce

A good Sunday morning to you all.  I am beside myself with happiness that I slept until 8:00 this morning (apart from a short awake period at some point during the night but during which I refused to look at my clock).  You see, for the past two weeks, I have woken for the day between 3:30 and 5:00.  Do you know how absolutely aggravating that is?  I would lie in bed becoming angrier and angrier and that made falling back to sleep more impossible, so last weekend I decided to take advantage of the extra hours in the day.  I got up each morning and did something useful and that seemed to keep my overwhelming grumpiness with my crappy sleep at bay (at least I think'd have to ask the kids I work with if that is in fact true.  The week before, I found myself apologizing to a couple of my more challenging kids for being grumpy with them.  I don't recall having to do that this past week so I think I'm right.).

Well, self-congratulations on my night of sleep aside, I was lazy with the photography again this week.  All photos were taken yesterday but at least I had fun with it.  A little walk in the biting damp wind at Whitefish Island found me half of the photos and the other half were indoors and required flash (there just is NO sun in these parts lately and I don't have a lot of windows to let the limited light in).  I can't wait to have more indoor shooting equipment to make more lighting options available.  I did a bit of searching on Black Friday but photography equipment doesn't seem to be a discounted thing (at least not what I was looking for).  

Here we go...

Oh my goodness, these apple crisp donuts are to die for and not only is there a drizzle of caramel sauce on them, they are from a website called Drizzle Me Skinny.

This is not a letter that is easy to find out there in the world.  I photographed the big K in front of my old high school when I did a 365 project in 2014 so that option was out.  I used my academic letter Ks in a nostalgia photo a couple of weeks ago so they were out too.  All that was left was to look for a K at Whitefish Island (see above re: procrastinating).  This isn't very pretty but I think it approximates a K.

a collection
I was thinking about my photography books and my canisters of  DAVIDs TEA but I have photographed both of those in the recent past.  As I was chopping apples to make applesauce in the crock pot yesterday, I realized that the variety of apples I was using (honeycrisp, macintosh, granny smith, pink lady and gala) qualified as a collection.  Here they are ready to go.

a game
We have so many to choose from although we have fewer this weekend than we did last weekend.  Levi and I purged the game cupboard of games we never enjoyed or don't play or that just aren't interesting to us.  I brought those to Christmas Cheer but I'm not sure that anybody really wants to receive them for Christmas.  People just don't play games any more.  Levi insisted on keeping a few of his favourite games that I refuse to play (Stratego and Chess - I hate the long term strategy required) because he actually plays them on his own, playing both sides.  Yesterday I saw him playing a four-hand game of War by himself.  At those times, I feel like a bad mom (not as bad as those in the movies though 😉).  Anyway, I grabbed the first game I saw - the travel version of Mastermind.  Remember this game?

in my hand
As I was heading out to Whitefish yesterday, I had the brilliant idea of a chickadee feeding in my hand.  Forgetting of course that my left shoulder and right elbow are currently dysfunctional, I decided that was the photo I wanted for this (replacing a photo of me holding my old flip phone that I found in the junk drawer when I cleaned it out at 6:00am last Sunday morning).  I wasn't able to hold my arm out or hold the camera one-handed for very long so I am so glad one of the photos I got was in focus.

starts with M
These poor mallards seem to be very hungry already this year.  In the summer, they are pretty snooty about the bird seed I offer them.  Yesterday however, was a different story.  Look at was a complete feeding frenzy.  I feel like I need to go back today and give them some more food.  I think I have some wilty vegetables in the fridge that they would enjoy.

wild card
Since I left everything until the last minute again, I was short on photos to include as a wild card.  In my travels I stopped in at Bulk Barn to see if anything appealed to me there (I always enjoy photographing candy).  As I was walking up and down the aisles, Christmas candies jumped out at me telling me to change my Facebook profile pictures to something more seasonal.  So I bought these mints.  I'm hesitant to be Christmassy since it's not yet December but since I am sitting here listening to Christmas music, I guess it's okay.  'Tis the season.

That's it for me. 

Pam, please come back and finish this year with me 🙏.

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