Sunday 4 June 2017

Donna's Week 22


Nothing beats a rousing game of "I'm gonna get you!"  This is Zoe being chased by dad Phil at Happy Rolph's last weekend.

Through a Fence

Ok, so this one is a guessing game!  What is this a picture of?  Hmmm, my very sensing and factual husband would say "it is a a picture of two thick black lines surrounding 9 thinner black lines, there is some water and land behind the lines.  On the land is a water tower, two beige buildings and a large white building"  To me, the intuitive one, who never sees the literal, sees a water tower on what must be an island surrounded by salt water, surrounded by an isolating haze (not removed in LightRoom) and a large white building with no windows that could only be meant to keep people in, all viewed through a fence, gate or set of bars.   Any guesses?? 
PS we were just in San Francisco.  

 Starts with C

I had to look back through previous posts to see if I posted any cable car pictures yet, and lucky for me and you, I had not.  So, here are several different pictures of Cable Cars!


So not your typical bridge, but a bridge none the less. Wikipedia says "bridge is a structure built to span physical obstacles without closing the way underneath such as a body of watervalley, or road, for the purpose of providing passage over the obstacle"   So this bridge is definitely a structure.  There is a significant amount of air underneath it, ensuring that it is in no way closed underneath and it definitely spans a physical obstacle (climbing done one silo to get to the top of the other silo is definitely an obstacle).  An obstacle I will concur one day, just not today!



So a high shutter speed caught this osprey hanging in mid air, with a fish hanging in its talons. 


Well this one took a while to find.  The first one is a picture of icicles on a rock face, that I had to turn sideways.  A very dramatic 3, if I say so myself.  

But then I remembered, that the diagnostic feature of an osprey in the air is the classic M or in this case a 3, that is found between the wrists of each wing, defined in the middle by the head.

Have a great week!
and in case you are wondering, it was Alcatraz Island, through the fence.


  1. Awesome running shot. I had no idea the San Francisco cable cars were so old fashioned looking. I guess they keep them like that for the tourist trade. Your icy 3 is spectacular! Glad to see the grain elevators again :).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I guessed Alcatraz before I got to the end of your blog. 2 points for

  4. I guessed Alcatraz as well. Love the cable cars and the osprey 3 is very creative! Good week.
