Saturday 10 June 2017

Sharon's Week 23: Six Geese A-laying

Well, I'm not sure how many geese were a-laying to get all the goslings around here but there had to be at least six.  More on that later...

Happy Saturday evening.  I am feeling lazy - I was invited to a friend's games night (at which they actually play games, unlike our games night at which we eat, drink and chat but avoid any games since they require too much brain power on a Friday night) but I can't seem to make myself get moving.  Maybe in a little while...hmmm, not likely.

The photo topics this week were not at all inspiring and it was difficult to come up with ideas.  Luckily I was off yesterday so I had some time to wander around hoping that ideas would pop into my head.  As it turns out, none of the things I came up with were wonderful ideas but they were in fact ideas and this week's assignments got done.  I will say that this set of photos is probably my most disappointing yet - at least that's how I feel about them.  That being said, I have written before that I will not let this project bring on my negative side anymore so I will introduce each photo without any further disparagement.  In fact, I will try to act excited and see if that changes my attitude towards the photos.

blurred background
It's pretty easy to get a blurred background when using my telephoto lens.  Here's a little cutie who greeted me by coming up and licking (at least that's what I think she did) my foot.

family member
I have uncooperative family.  Not that I blame them...I too, hate having my photo taken.  Earlier this week Pam mention that the assignment wasn't specific and that the photo could be of any family member, in any family.  I took it a step further and decided that these geese are in families.  In this photo, there are either 16 or 17 family members (I counted 14 babies and Pam counted 15 - there may or may not be a bit of a head at the back in about the middle of the pack).

That family was at Bellevue Park.  This family was at Whitefish Island.  The babies here are a bit younger (and cuter).

Rust??!!  What the heck was I thinking.  Be forewarned, peeling paint is on the list for next week.  Anyway, I found lots of rust but mostly only boring rust.  Then I found this nut and bolt on an old garden gate at the Superintendent's Residence at the Locks.

Here's a funny coincidence...I get regular emails from an online photography school and they often contain short videos with creative ideas or instructions about how to do something.  Yesterday, the email was about photographing rust - I am not kidding!

starts with G
Now, I never said that this project was strictly an English venture.  Here we have une grenouille.  The croaking sound has been added to the birdsong on Whitefish Island.

I did get new gardens this week however nothing is in bloom and there is still a lot of bare dirt so I wasn't interested in photographing them yet.  Instead, I found this new flower.  I am sure that the flower itself is not new since the shrub that produced it was rather large, but I have never seen it before so it is new to me.

Here is a close up.

bike detail
Since I said I won't say anything negative, I won't say anything.

wild card
Two weeks ago I realized that I had two vouchers for photobooks that were going to expire.  Luckily Pam could use one and I decided to make a book of spring with the other one.  I had a few pages left and I wanted to fill them with spring blooms - all the different colours of apple blossoms and all the lilacs.  I wandered through town on Sunday and trespassed at Maxine's when she wasn't home.  Look at this awesome kind of lilac.  I have never seen a two coloured flower before.

On Randy Bachman's Vinyl Tap tonight, the topic is songs with Saturday night in them.  So far, the best has been Stompin' Tom's Sudbury Saturday Night.  Well the girls are out to bingo and the boys are getting stinko...  
And now you are all singing it too :)


  1. Beautiful pics this week Shar! You definitely need to abide by your no negativityy vow, because had you said nothing, we would never have known you didn't like them. I particularly love the purple flower and the new flower. By the way I don't think the chipmunk was greeting you with a lick. I think he thought your big toe was a peanut 🤓

  2. I agree with your sister - there is nothing there to not like. As always, the animal photos tug at my heartstrings and I think the close up of that new flower and the purple flowers are stunning. At first glance, I thought that nut was some sort of burnt raisin bread thing, which really struck me as odd since you hate raisins. I also really like the way the colours of the grass in your bike detail photo blend together. This was a great week!
