Sunday 4 June 2017

Pam's Week 22: Like a Bridge Over Troubled Water...

Maybe the water isn't so troubled but it was the first song that came to mind to fit with this week's topics.  Although maybe it is troubled since it seems that two more people within a 4 hour period decided to go swimming in it this past week and for those of you unfamiliar with the area, there are plenty of lovely places to swim but the St. Mary's River near the canal isn't one of them.  A couple of months ago another lady decided to venture into the river.

The weather this week has not been particularly inspiring or motivating.  I've had a few ideas but the cold rain and lack of sunshine was not helping them come to fruition.  Luckily the sun peeked out on Friday evening so before we headed over to have Indian food with some friends, Sharon and I headed out to Farmer Bob's for some photographic opportunities.  Wouldn't you know that the sunshine decided to hide behind the clouds while the blackflies headed out in full force upon our arrival?

Anyways, I should get on with the photos as I have to start getting ready to head out with my hubby and some friends.  We are going across the river to see Air Supply in concert.  We are "Lost in Love" yet planning on "Making Love Out of Nothing at All".  Sorry.  Bad jokes but it was all I had for now.

I should mention that all my photos this week ended up being taken on my phone.  The first one was simply because I didn't have my camera with me and felt inspired.  The ones at Farmer Bob's were because my camera wouldn't turn on (I realized that I had taken the battery out to charge it but forgot to put it back in).  The others were simply because I figured maybe I should just be consistent for the week.


Many of my photos have this bridge in it as it is the easiest bridge to access, is very photographable from a place I like to spend time, and is the bridge that reminds me of home.  I tried to capture it from a different angle though this time.

Through a Fence

When I asked Sharon to accompany me to Farmer Bob's, I had envisioned taking a photo of the horses through the fence.  Alas, the horses were in the barn so that didn't quite work out as planned but this adorable goat was more than cooperative.  I couldn't decide which one I liked better so I included a couple of them.

 Sharon may or may not have given it grass to encourage it to look through the fence again for me...


I began by taking pictures of items in groups of three as I was not overly successful in finding 3's.  Then I saw this antique farm equipment of some sort and thought "Voila!"

Starts with C

Now I had originally just planned on taking a picture of a cow or the church that is on the farm, but then began to overthink it, worried that I had taken loads of photos of the church a couple of years ago when I participated in this blog challenge with Sharon and without a nice blue sky, the church just wouldn't be as stunning.  And the cows were lying down in the barn having a nap which wasn't particularly inspiring.  Then Sharon pointed out this little sod-covered shack I had never noticed before.  On the door was a sign indicating that this was for chemical storage.  Chemical begins with "C"...


I had no great ideas whatsover for this picture.  I haven't even purchased hanging baskets yet this year.  At the school festival yesterday, they had slacklines that the kids seemed to enjoy hanging on.  This is Danica's friend, Ila, hanging very briefly (the only one I was at all successful getting a shot of because there was always someone blocking my way or else they would fall down.


I should have had my camera or phone with me the other day when Riya ran out of the house and through the neighbourhood but I was focused on getting her back in and didn't think about it.  I was waffling between being angry at her for running out and being happy that it meant she was feeling better (she'd hurt her paw earlier in the week, likely stung by one of the bees she insists on playing with,  and was very sad and not eating or drinking).  On our way to the park yesterday afternoon, though, Danica and Ila were running around the field which gave me another opportunity.


This was one I didn't really focus on at all this week.  I contemplated just skipping it altogether and seeing if anyone would notice but decided, instead, to include the photo I took of one of the horses in the barn at Farmer Bob's.  I liked how the light was reflecting on the side of his, or maybe her, face.

And that's it for another week.  I haven't checked out this week's topics but first I must beautify myself for my date!  Then I should make sure the camera has a battery and a memory card....  Fingers crossed the sun makes more than a brief appearance this week!

1 comment:

  1. My favourite is that first goat picture! I like the horse too as the light lights up his or her eyelashes. I can't look at the hanging photo without wincing as I feel like Ila is going to trip over her head.
