Sunday 9 July 2017

Pam's Week 27: You Got a Fast Car, I Want a Ticket to Anywhere...

Maybe we can make a deal, maybe together we can get somewhere....Shall I keep singing or is that enough?  You guys are likely thanking your lucky stars that you can't actually hear me singing that song right now.  If you could, it's highly probable that you would stop reading right now and quickly close the page to make it stop.

As you read this blog, you will see that I never did take a picture of a fast car.  When I saw the topic "fast" (after last week's 'speed'), this song popped into my head and just wouldn't let go.  Sharon suggested a different song to go along with the fast photo I will end up using but it just didn't work for me the same; I mean, I sang it when she suggested it but then haven't really thought of it again this week.

I will let you know right now that this isn't one of my better weeks.  I just wasn't feeling it.  The topics just weren't inspiring (perhaps because it felt like some of them were duplicating last week's and even awfully closely related to each other this week).  I found it difficult to be creative and ended up just snapping photos to say I did it.  My apologies.  I think I was also very distracted this week.  I found out Sunday night after dropping Danica off at Camp McDougall for the week that one of her best friends had been in a dirtbike accident and had to be flown to London.  I was terribly worried for her and found myself missing Danica and in great need of one of her famous "squeezy hugs".  It was also a sad week as a good friend had to say goodbye to her mother who was seriously one of the sweetest women I had ever had the fortune to meet.

I haven't looked ahead to this week's topics - hopefully they work out better for me.  And hopefully life in general is looking up!  Danica's friend is looking well and her mother said they are hoping to come back home in a day or two so the week is promising thus far....

Abstract in Nature

I am not going to lie - I actually took this picture last week as a potential photo for "pattern" but for lack of an abstract nature photo today, I will post it here.

Now, seeing as I don't really know what exactly constitutes "abstract in nature", I am also going to include one of the photos I took with Sharon at the Fourth of July fireworks on Tuesday night.  I liked how these weeds looked silhouetted against the sunset reflection in the river.


I had come up with all kinds of ideas for the watermelon we had in the fridge waiting to be cut.  And then I arrived home to find out that it had been cut into cubes which then made me need a plan B....I didn't have one.  This morning, though, the kids tried to make breakfast (Robert ended up helping them but that's okay).  Voila - strawberry-topped nutella-stuffed pancakes!


I intended to take a photo of a swingset as it reminded me of Duncan when he first began talking.  He was actually a late talker (of course he was, being the son of a Speech-Language Pathologist).  When he finally started, however, we were amazed to realize that he already recognized many of his letters.  One day when I took him to the park, he pointed out that the swingset looked like an "A" and the parking lot lines looked like "H".  He wasn't wrong.  Somehow I was unable to locate any of those "A" swingsets in my few attempts this week, though.  I began to look for other possibilities and took a photo of one of the sculptures at the Art Gallery which was "A"-like but then on my drive home from a walk with Riya one evening, I saw the windows in this church were lit up and looked like an "A".

On the Beach

So since it was sunny last night, I ventured to the beach for a short while after supper, mainly to try to get this photo but also thought it would be something fun for the kids to do.  The kids insisted we bring the dog.  I knew how this was going to go - the dog would bark when the kids weren't around or were too far away in the water, the dog would be excited when the kids were nearby and would try to play and they would get upset with her, the leash would get wrapped around at least one of us and someone would end up in tears.  The kids assured me this would not happen and insisted that they wouldn't go if the dog didn't come.  Guess who was right?

Here is a photo of the kids playing on the beach.

Here are the 3 of them on the beach.  By the way, this one was hard to get as Danica was mad at Riya (she has leash burn on her legs and I think the leash had just nearly gotten wrapped around her neck at this point) and didn't want to stand next to her but when she tried to stand next to Duncan, Riya moved to be between the two of them.


See how there were so many duplicate photos this week?  I guess it's not a true duplicate, but when I think of summer, I think of ice cream (done a couple of times the past couple of weeks) and the beach.

This is a typical summer look for Danica - goggles askew, messy hair, dirty knees...


As I mentioned earlier, I wanted to take a photo of a fast car but any time I saw a fast car, I didn't have my camera ready.  Any other time, there were no fast cars to be found.  I then decided to check out the 25th anniversary space shuttle garden in front of the Bondar Pavilion to celebrate Roberta Bondar's space voyage.  It isn't moving but space shuttles are fast.  Sharon then suggested the song "Rocket Man" but like I said, it just wasn't working the same way for me as far as a blog title went.


I have a couple of these this week.  When I watched the fireworks with Sharon, I really liked how one of them turned out so even though I have included fireworks for the past couple of weeks, I am including one again.  I also noted how pretty the Bondar Pavilion looked with the sunset sky in the background so spent a few evenings this week trying to capture it (not totally successfully, but I tried).  On one of those same evenings, I liked how the moon reflected in the water from the boardwalk.

On that note, I should go finish preparing for the FilCan Day picnic (it's a made up day to celebrate Filipino Independence Day and Canada Day; don't feel bad if you've never heard of it), pick up some sliced almonds for my salad to replace the ones I burnt, start my park deliveries of people and food and perhaps take the dog for a quick walk before we head out.  Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Too bad "fast" wasn't on last week's list with those crazy boats in town! I like all your wild cards. Too bad about Riya at the beach - they do look suspiciously like they are getting along in the one photo.
