Thursday 20 July 2017

Pam's Week 28: Might as Well Go for a Soda...

Yes, I realize this post is terribly late. For once, I have a good excuse, or a reasonable one anyways.  You see, I was running behind on capturing all the photos and then lo and behold, last Saturday during the parade, my camera died.  It froze with the lens out and won't turn on or off or allow me to retract the lens, even after charging and replacing the battery.  I think it is totally and completely kaput.  Needless to say, I  then did not succeed at finishing the remaining photos for last week's blog until now.  I tried using my camera phone for some but it just didn't feel quite the same.  I ended up resorting to locating my old Kodak camera.  It will take some getting used to though as it powers up slower, zooms using a different button (I keep turning it off by mistake as the power button feels like and is located where the zoom is on my Canon), but seems to take photos quicker.  The focus seems a bit different too so please forgive anything strange that may occur.

I also realize that this week's title is not accurate given that I have no soda photos in it.  A soda is usually a cold beverage though so that's the angle I was gunning for with that lyric.  Forgiven?

Without further ado, here is the mishmash of photos from 3 different cameras that constitute this week's assignments...


How do you make grass look interesting, artistic, photogenic, or even photo-worthy?  Well, you begin by consulting your good friend, Google, and then, as per usual fashion, try, rather unsuccessfully, to replicate the pictures you see.  I didn't have any luck last week with this topic so tried again yesterday when the kids and I took a staycation adventure.  As part of the travels, we stopped at Old Mill Beach at Rock Lake, just north of Bruce Mines.  Robert and I had ventured there a couple of years ago after seeing it featured as one of Algoma's 10 Best Beaches.  After one failed trip down a rather muddy, narrow, and bumpy road that turned out to be not the one we were looking for, we found our way and were one of only a few families there.  The water was beautiful and warm although I wasn't a fan of the seaweed that wrapped itself around my ankle at one point.  Theoretically I realize that it is just a plant but in actuality, it grosses me out and I am always convinced it is trying to kill me (irrational, I know).  After I hid behind some bushes and beside the vehicle to change (there are no facilities at this beach), hoping no one came within the visual line of my bare behind, I saw some long grasses across the road so managed to snap a couple of poor-man's replicas of the inspiration photo.


My goal was to take the kids to play Disc Golf again and try to capture a live action photo of them releasing the disc and catching it in mid-air on it's way to the basket.  Picture it - it would have been a great photo; trust me.  Instead, I am relying on another photo I took yesterday while at Rock Lake.  Now this particular photo may not actually fit the definition of a "sport" but my kids are "sporting" bathing suits and were swimming (which really is a sport) prior to me capturing this picture.

I had also taken this one of Danica at Pointe Des Chenes earlier in the week with my phone and although the water is very shallow, she looks more like she is actually swimming.

In downloading the photos off my now-broken camera, I realized I had also taken a photo of Robert dancing the tinikling (a Filipino dance).

Cold Drink

Since I've been on holidays this week and the weather has finally been lovely and summer-like, I have taken the kids to the beach a couple of times.  On this particular occasion, we went to Pointe Des Chenes which is a beach very close to town (near the airport actually).  This was a photo of my iced tea in my new iced tea travel mug (also a phone photo).  I envisioned a photo of one of my husband's famous mojitos but unfortunately his schedule doesn't allow for him to have time to make me any.

Starts with V

This may, in fact, be cheating.  This past weekend for Rotaryfest, they rented a "Very Large Duck".  Here it is...

By this point in the day, my camera had died so this was another phone photo.


Are butterflies insects?  The kids say spiders aren't but butterflies are.  I would tend to agree with my kids because they are smart cookies who seem to know things I don't (or they think I don't know anything even when I do).  Regardless, it was the closest to an insect I was able to photograph this week.  This was another photo taken with my phone while we were at Pointe Des Chenes.  This pretty little yellow butterfly seemed to enjoy flying around the kids' sandcastles (or Pokestops).


I bet you are thinking of that old movie with Darryl Hannah but I hate to disappoint you.  One of the few photos I actually took with my other camera (the Canon) last week (in fact, I took it on the Sunday at the beginning of the week) was of the kids playing with water balloons at the Fil-Can Day party (Filipino-Canadian Day; I am pretty sure I introduced you to it last week).  Unfortunately, I didn't capture any of the fantastic splashes but if you look hard, you can see a little splash.


Apparently with the 3 cameras, I don't have a lot of wildcard options this week (or if I use one of them, I may not have one for this week which is the week it would actually belong to.  This was the last photo I took last week before my camera died.  It is of one of the marching bands at the Rotaryfest parade.

Maybe I will have this week's blog posted soon too.  I have to double check to see that I've taken all the requisite photos.  Here's hoping the heat and sunshine continue!  Happy Summer!

1 comment:

  1. That's so it hadn't been pouring rain on that Thursday evening before I left, I would also have had a photo of a "very large duck!" I love the sport photos - kudos to Danica for her swim attempt in the 1cm deep water.
