Friday 8 December 2017

Sharon's Week 48: There's a Knot on the Log in the Hole in the Bottom of the Sea

Yep, I'm late.  The photos were all taken on time last week but I didn't get around to processing them or posting this blog, so here we go.

I didn't find any of this week's topics particularly interesting and I feel there is a lack of imagination in the photos too, so maybe that's part of why I didn't write this until now.

To top it all off, I find myself without anything to say so I guess I'll just get to the photos.

citrus in fizzy water
This is something I have tried on several occasions and I guess I put it on the list so I could give it another go.  I did find a square shaped glass container at Dollarama so I was able to focus through the glass on the bubbles.

Can you see the nine?  This is a hole from a knot in my fence.

I didn't even try to think of anything else.  When I saw this I thought, "What is cozier than a sleeping cat?"  The only problem was in choosing a cat.  Eclipse is the winner this time.

eyes we have Cissy.  Don't tell Bella that her sisters made the blog this week but she didn't.

I couldn't find this letter anywhere.  When I was driving out to Hiawatha for a walk last Saturday, I remembered that I had picked up these little finger flashlights from the dollar store.  I called Levi to see if he'd help me out with some light painting when I got home and thankfully, he agreed.

made with love
I was talking with a coworker last week about how her food never tastes the same as her mother's even though she follows the recipes exactly.  Her husband tells her that it's because she doesn't make it with enough love.  I got a kick out of that.  I haven't made anything crafty for ages.  The only thing I regularly make for Levi is his supper and I really didn't want to shoot his popcorn chicken and rice.  I made these muffins last Saturday and they are about the closest thing from the week that would fall into this category.  Hmmm...they really aren't all that great tasting so maybe my coworker's husband is right...I didn't make them with enough love 😉.

I made this too - and I think there was love in my heart...who wouldn't love a meat lover's pizza bake?  Sadly, it didn't turn out quite as yummy as it sounded.

wild card
I didn't have much to choose from but after we got the letter I, Levi and I played around a bit.

Thank goodness Levi has a black wall in his room.  That's it for now.  I'll be back tomorrow with this week's photos.

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