Wednesday 11 October 2017

Pam's Week 40: Clean Shirt, New Shoes And I Don't Know Where I'm Going To...

Silk suit, black tie,
I don't need a reason why.

They come runnin' just as fast as they can
Cause every girl's crazy 'bout a SHARP-dressed man.

Wowzers, am I ever late with posting last week's blog.  To be fair, I was sick for much of last week and it was a holiday and you know how busy holidays get with out-of-town family and friends.  And this weekend was busier than most as not only were we celebrating my mother's birthday, my birthday, and Thanksgiving with my brother and his fiance who were visiting from out of town, but we were also celebrating the wedding of a family friend (who, to be truthful, I don't think I'd seen since my wedding nearly 13 years ago).  And, I just didn't get all the photos done on time.  Oopsie.
The point is that at least I am doing them and not dropping out and abandoning Sharon to finish this year all by herself!

Let's get on with this show though so that I finish this blog post before it is time to post this week's photos!

Abandoned Building

There used to be two really cool old abandoned houses along Highway 17 North on the way to Sudbury but they have been torn down over the past few years.  Luckily, while we were in Traverse City on Monday, I noticed this abandoned building behind Great Wolf Lodge while we were playing mini-putt.  Of course, I could see a pathway that walked right by there but couldn't figure out how to get on the path and the way we went was full of no trespassing signs and such so I stood right beside one of the signs and used my zoom to try to capture the building from afar.


So this photo could be considered a 'repetition' for a number of different reasons.  First of all, there are numerous trees in a row, repetitive if you will.  Secondly, you may find it eerily similar to Sharon's 'sun flare' photo as we did venture to Hiawatha together as she helped me figure out how to capture such things, thus a repetition to Sharon's blog.  Thirdly, there is a sun flare in this photo even though I chose to use a different photo for that particular topic so I am "repeating" the topic too.
I liked the little star-shaped sun flare I managed to capture in this picture.

Sun Flare

Funny how I tried my hardest to take additional photos of this so that I wouldn't have to post the same photo as Sharon and end up with people comparing one to the other and yet I went and posted it anyways, just under a different topic.  Oh well.  This is one of the other attempts for this.  Danica has been bugging me incessantly lately for music lessons so that she can learn to play the ukulele.  I don't know if she really has a passion for the ukulele or if it is just because Duncan has one that my parents bought for him in Hawaii or what but she has asked me daily if I have signed her up for lessons yet.  The part that worries me is that she is hoping to learn to play "Despacito" on the ukulele and I'm not sure she realizes that a pop song wouldn't be something she learns Week One...


The only idea I had for this was taking a photo of my Dad carving the turkey on Thanksgiving (which we celebrated on Saturday so technically I took this photo the proper week).  He was more than willing to allow me to photograph his artistry but sort of posed like the children (ie., he never actually just stopped and stayed in one position long enough for me to take the photo) so many of the pictures ended up blurry.  I think this was the first one I took and although I am not crazy about the composition, there is no doubt that the knife was sharp! The turkey was yummy, I might add.

Starts With B

Bridge!  This one is different from my usual photos of the International Bridge, though,  this is the Mackinac Bridge, which at 8 km, is the longest suspension bridge between two anchorages in the western hemisphere.  On our way back from Traverse City on Monday, we located the Bridge View park, which I have never been to, in order to capture the Mighty Mac in all it's glory.


So when my brother and his fiance and I took our dogs for a walk the other day while the kids played at the park, I thought it would be cute if both dogs would sit and I could photograph their shadows.  Just in case you were wondering - that never happened.  Q sat happily but Riya wouldn't, or at least she wouldn't sit where she had a nice shadow or long enough for me to capture whatever shadow she had created.


When you hardly take any photos in a week, it is hard to have some extras for a wildcard but I thought I would use some of this week's alternates...

This was one of the photos I considered using for the "B" photo.  I tried to be creative and blur the bridge (the focus of the photo) out in the background.

This was another photo I took at Hiawatha with Sharon last week.  She had said I could use it for sharp - was she referring to the edges of the leaf? The stunning colour palate of the complementary red and green?  My sharp eyesight to see the single red leaf in a tree of green?  I suppose we may never know....

And finally, this was yet another sun flare attempt, this time at Bellevue Park.  I love how blue the sky is in this photo.  I am quite the fan of sunshine and blue skies.

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving (if you're Canadian, that is, or if you choose to celebrate Canadian Holidays because who couldn't use an extra holiday in the year)!  Hope it is sunny and warm wherever you are, even though it is certainly getting chillier here.  Fall is definitely in the air.

1 comment:

  1. Q's shadow is my favourite. Do you think Riya will be jealous? Love all the sun flares and especially the angle and composition of the one of Danica playing the ukulele. Great week.
