Sunday 3 September 2017

Pam's Week 35: I've Got Friends in Low Places....

I am still kind of hoping this week was an anomaly but another part of me thinks it might just be a warning as to what the future brings.  Every night this week seemed to be spent preparing for or attending an event of some sort.  Don't get me wrong - it was great to see some friends we haven't seen in a long time and listening to the kids laughing and giggling is always warming to the cockles of my heart, but it's rather exhausting.  Of course, work has also been crazy busy which adds to the feeling of chaos.  It's times like this that remind me that I tend to be introverted and need some time to myself to recharge and rejuvenate.

The weather has certainly cooled down this week too, not that it ever got particularly hot this summer.  I think it has felt nicer than predicted, as long as you were in the sun, but got quite chilly once the sun went down (which has been earlier and earlier all the time) or if you happened to be in the shade.  Layers have been the key this week!  Let's hope the sunshine prevails for our end of summer/back to school barbecue this afternoon!


There should have been plenty of opportunities for this photo this week.  On Sunday, we found ourselves at our friend, Kathy's, camp for fun and festivities but I didn't even take my camera out.  I did snap a few photos of the kids tubing with my cellphone but my camera stayed in my bag.  On Tuesday night, we headed to Barb and Mike's in Batchawana where we enjoyed dinner with them along with Colleen and kids and Joanna and Michael and family who were here from Winnipeg.  Again, my camera stayed in my purse, although I don't think a still photo of the kids ranging from 8 to 19 all giggling as they played Telustrations would have captured the moment adequately.  I finally decided to pull out my camera on Thursday night as we headed out to Island Lake for a swim team potluck dinner.  This is most of the kids, with the exception of Danica who didn't want to swim.


I had some portabello mushrooms in my fridge that I had purchased to barbecue with steaks a couple of weeks ago.  I am assuming the weather didn't cooperate and that never happened.  When I saw this topic, I consulted my friend, Pinterest, and found a recipe that not only looked yummy but also rather pretty.  Unfortunately when I took my mushrooms out of the bag, they had some mold spots on them so I had to ditch those and buy some new ones.  We finally ate them last night.  I thought they were rather tasty.


I had considered buying my kids some awful candy that stains their lips and tongue blue for this photo or even some blue cotton candy to hold in some manner, and then I decided that the blue lake and sky from our potluck at Island Lake would do just fine...

Cool Down

One of the few pictures I took at Kathy's camp last Sunday was of the kids on the tube, or in this case, falling off the tube.  Apparently the boys fell off twice but Danica managed to hold on both times.  I considered this a cool down as the adults, with the exception of Jamie who was driving the Seadoo, were bundled up in hoodies on the shore, escaping frequently to the porch and even into the cottage to sit by the fire as it was a chilly day.  After falling off the tube, the boys were bone chillingly, teeth chatteringly cold.

Parallel Lines

Oopsie - apparently I forgot to take this photo.... And the one I thought I could use is blurry....So, not to be defeated, I headed into the photos I took earlier this month and found one at the Royal Botanical Garden that I could use - the lines on this snake are parallel (or parallelish since it's made of Lego).

The Lake

I could have had photos of 3 different lakes this week if I hadn't been so lazy - Lake Huron, Lake Superior and Island Lake.  Alas, Island Lake will have to do...


Apparently it helps when you actually take your camera out of it's case if you are hoping to have lots of pictures to choose from when you write a photo blog post.  As you may have sensed already, I didn't do that much this week at all.  The kids and I took the dog for a walk on Whitefish Island earlier this week, though, to pop seed pods that Sharon introduced us to.  While there, we were lucky enough to see one beaver.  Duncan took this photo of it.

Now I should go off and clean the house and prepare for our party this afternoon.  Hope you all have a great back to school week!


  1. Why am I not at your party???

    I'm not a fan of mushrooms but it seems really weird to me to have mushrooms with raspberries and chocolate. Are you sure you read that recipe correctly? I missed the boys falling off the tube - glad you got it. I agree that it would have been great to get a photo of all the kids laughing so hard. I'm with you on the lazy-photo week. Lovely lake photos. I can't believe you took a picture of a snake...even a Lego one.

    1. I thought you were out of town this weekend or you were more than welcome. And that is tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and a balsamic glaze on top.

    2. I thought you were out of town this weekend or you were more than welcome. And that is tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and a balsamic glaze on top.

    3. I thought you were out of town this weekend or you were more than welcome. And that is tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and a balsamic glaze on top.
