Sunday 17 September 2017

Pam's Week 37: Near, Far, Wherever You Are...

Just in case you were wondering, Sharon isn't the only one who will be breaking the rules this week.  I, admittedly, took some of my photos last Friday and Saturday and a few more today.  For anyone paying attention, that likely means that I didn't actually take any during the proper week.  Oopsie...

As you will see in the photos, the week started (or rather last week ended) with a girls' night in Sudbury to celebrate our friend's birthday in advance.  We shopped, we ate, we drank, we laughed, and we were in bed by 10 p.m.  We were quite the party animals!  My how the times have doesn't seem that long ago that I would just be deciding where we were going out that evening and starting to get ready...

Anyways, it has been a great week.  The weather has been sunny and hot and nicer than it's been all summer.  In fact, I think I heard that yesterday was actually the hottest day we had this summer!  Unfortunately I spent much of it at the Y with the kids but such is the life of a mother, I suppose.  It was another bright sunny morning this morning but then the rain moved in this afternoon for a bit which gave us plenty of opportunity to do a major clean and purge of the playroom.  Of course, my other to-do list items ended up postponed but perhaps the biggest one is done!  And our kitchen, except for one door that we are still waiting for, is now finished!  It's pretty and organized and bright and I love it!

I think I will post these pics out of order as I feel like I should at least post the ones I took first earliest.


I took this photo at Farmer Bob's last Friday night.  The light behind the sunflower was just so stunning (I actually took it by accident, not realizing it was a topic this week.  The photo just appealed to me at the time).

Starts with T

Like I said, we headed to Sudbury last Saturday to celebrate our friend's birthday.  What I failed to mention is that her name is Tuula, which starts with T.  Sharon decided the car should be decorated for the trip.  Unfortunately, some of the letters flew off en route.  One of them, somehow, ended up on the rear window!


I should preface this photo by mentioning that a couple of people in it hate having their photo taken in the first place so if they knew I was posting it on the blog for anyone and everyone to see, they may unfriend me forever.  Just more sacrifices for the sake of art, I suppose...

In the Way

Yesterday we had tickets to see the Vague de Cirque performance hosted by The Machine Shop (an old paper mill that has been converted into a pretty cool concert venue and restaurant and such).  It was held in a big yellow tent (which I had considered using as "starts with T").  The story itself was a little silly but the acrobatics were pretty astounding.  I tried taking some photos but there was something hanging in my way...

Today, I woke up early and the sunrise looked so pretty so I decided to take Riya for an early morning walk at Whitefish Island.  Okay, early for me would not be early for Sharon but when I am out of my house before 8 a.m. on a non-work or take kids to activities day, it's early!  I loved the look of the clouds with the pink sun but the power pole or whatever it is was also in the way.


I was pleasantly surprised to see that we hadn't arrived at the island this morning too late to see the beavers.  I thought it was cute that one of them was swimming near the ducks.


Well, we have certainly been active this week with activities starting back up again.  I wasn't sure how to capture that in a photo, though.  Instead I thought I would include another photo (or two) from the Vague de Cirque.


This was also taken at Farmer Bob's.  Can you see the rainbow in the sky behind the goat walk?

And that's all folks....I surprised myself again though in that when I look ahead to this week's photos, I accidentally took at least 2 that I like that would fit the topics!  I am ahead of the game!

1 comment:

  1. that a pair of underwear in front of the acrobat?? I love the photos of Tuula and I am laughing all over again at my backwards party hat. I have a similar photo of the sunrise with the radio tower in front of it from yesterday...the sunrise is beautiful anyway. The sunflower is stunning.
