Saturday 23 September 2017

Sharon's Week 38: Whitefish Island Saves The Day

Thank heavens for my Fridays off.  I got so much accomplished yesterday:  three hours of photography at Whitefish Island, a nap, lunch with a friend, physio for my elbow, massage therapy for my shoulder (the shoulder and elbow likely aggravated by that three hours of photography), meal planning for this week, laundry, and I'm sure I did something else productive last night but I just don't remember what.

And yet, this evening I feel like the weekend (which has been one day longer for me) has been flying by.  What's with that?!?  Time had better slow I got an email from Photobook Canada telling me that my two book vouchers expire next week.  I'm pretty sure that I can extend that by a week but those book vouchers were meant for my China photobooks and I have yet to begin processing those photos!  I guess I will be attached to my computer for much of the next two weeks (in addition to the photo editing, I have to do some stuff for the O.T. College which Maxine tells me is quite time intensive this year - with a slow talker narrating the slides!).

On a different topic altogether, who loved this weather today?  NOT ME!  I know, I know, it's the most summer we have had all year and it is not even summer anymore but I hate the heat.  At one point, the weather network said it was 32 with a humidex of 40.  That is really not necessary if you ask me.  I foresee myself sleeping in the basement tonight.

So let's get this going so I can head downstairs.

focus on the foreground
I took many shots with a close flower in focus and a bunch of out of focus colour in the background but as I was leaving Whitefish Island yesterday I headed over to the Superintendent's Residence.  I decided that something a little different was in order this week.

Okay, here is one of the other kind of photo.

fall leaves
I noticed this as I was wandering along and I was so excited by the gorgeous colour (I am just reading Bryan Peterson's latest book and it is all about colour).  I took several shots before I decided to move in and remove a dead leaf that was bothering me.  I realized then that the this leaf and berries were not in fact part of the same plant.  I laughed at myself (yes, out loud, by myself) because of course a maple tree doesn't have berries.  It was gorgeous anyway.

The bee (or wasp or other stingy thing) wouldn't move off of my W so I went with it.

frame within a frame
I forgot about this one when I was out so this was the best I can do with the photos I have.  The shelter is kind of framed within the trees on either side.  Or, the coloured leaves are framed within the structure of the shelter.  Take your pick, it's kind of lame either way.

I suffer a lack of imagination this week and all I could think of was drinks clinking together.  Since I didn't have two people to do this nor did I want to open a beer this afternoon, I settled for iced tea.

Our cats can be friends when it involves stalking a bird on the front steps.

wild card
I had a lot to choose from this week.  I am going with more berries (not the same ones).  These berries also have a maple leaf...what's going on?

And now I am all caught up.  Now to check what's up for this coming week.


  1. I love the picture of the superintendents residence and those berries!

  2. I also love the superintendent's residence - definitely a different perspective. I also like the berries - mine weren't nearly as spectacular. Great week.
