Thursday 10 August 2017

Pam's Week 31: Clap Along if You Know What Happiness is to You...

Yes, I know how bad this looks....Sharon just returned from 3 weeks away overseas and in spite of being overwhelmed by 4400 photos and crazy jet lag, she managed to catch up on the blog and even post last week's post nearly on time.  I haven't left town at all and still haven't completed last week's photos, let alone the blog post, and have yet to start taking photos for this week (I have consulted the list and my good friend Google for inspiration though if that counts for anything).

I have tried to figure out why I am sorely lacking in motivation this week.  It's especially ironic since I am pretty certain I made a comment in my previous post about how proud I was that I remained faithful to the blog in spite of Sharon's absence.  I think I will choose to blame the status of my house for my struggles.  You see, I have been without a kitchen now for a couple of weeks and feel like I am in permanent camping mode.  I am surrounded by boxes, drywall dust, painting supplies, tile adhesive.  I have a sink mounted in a table built by my husband that is partially functional but completely filthy and a stove that may or may not be able to be used depending on the day.  The flooring was installed this week though and the cupboards are due to be installed next week so there is a light at the end of the tunnel and surely it will all be worth the headaches and inconvenience...

Enough whining, though....On with the photos:


A few days ago, knowing that I had taken very few photos this week, I intentionally took Riya to Bellevue Park for a walk.  Having forgotten my camera, I took out my phone and snapped this photo of Topsail Island that appealed to me.  I liked the sunset and the moon over the trees.

Looking Down

Also at Bellevue Park, I decided to look down at this flower and snap a photo.  A couple days later, I decided to snap this photo from the top of a long set of stairs near my house (this is the only photo taken with my fixed camera this week).  You see, Robert and I have booked a trip to Austria to visit a good friend of ours (and to finally meet her husband) next April.  While there, we are taking a river cruise from Budapest to Vienna which included lots of castle visiting and stair climbing.  I decided that perhaps I should start to change up our neighbourhood walking routine in order to include these brutal stairs in order to rehearse for our vacation.


If I was smart, I would have taken a photo of my husband the other day when he was standing next to some of his Filipino friends; he is tall anyways but when standing next to people who aren't as tall, he looks even taller.  Of course, Duncan standing next to them would have a similar outcome as he is their height but he's only 11.  Unfortunately, I took neither photo nor any other that would fit this topic so I am posting an incomplete week...


We were invited to a birthday party last Sunday night and while there, Danica climbed into my lap and said she was tired.  A-ha!  A photo without much effort at all (okay, it also lacks interesting composition but it satisfies the requirement which is my current focus).

Starts with Y

While at Bellevue Park the same day as the other park photos, I was struck by the yellow created by the sun shining through the trees.  Yellow starts with Y...


My kids usually get along quite well and actually enjoy each other's company.  They like to play together and are generally very considerate and compassionate towards each other.  And then there is this summer.....The funny thing is, they have actually spent very little time together this summer as one or the other has usually been at camp or camping or at playdates and yet when they are together, they have been at each other's throats.  The other day, Danica decided she would no longer live in the same house as Duncan.  Not even an hour later, we headed to the park and when I returned from walking Riya, this is what they looked like - that looks like happiness to me...


This is another photo I am without this week.  Tonight, though, the kids and I took Danica's friend to the movies.  Her friend was in a bad accident earlier in the summer so is in a wheelchair with a casted arm so is limited in what she can do.  Danica has been bugging me to take her to a movie for the past couple of weeks so tonight we finally did so.  Danica was so excited and was ensuring that Duncan and I realized that she would be responsible for pushing Briella's wheelchair and taking care of her during the movie.  It was very sweet.  I suppose this picture could have also fit in with happiness but I am using it for the wildcard instead.

What are the chances that I will find inspiration for 7 photos tomorrow in order to post tomorrow night before the kids and I head to my brother and sister-in-law-to-be's house for a few days?

1 comment:

  1. What movie did you guys end up watching? I love the piggyback photo and the one with the sun shining through the trees is stunning. Does Danica know about the "tired" photo? She is not looking quite her best (but you are).
