Tuesday 8 August 2017

Sharon's Week 31: It's A Long Way To Tipperary

Wow, it was only last week...seems like it was longer ago.  It probably doesn't help that it has taken me quite some time to recover from my jet lag.  I arrived home Wednesday night and between then and Saturday morning, I am sure that I slept at least half of the time.  In between the sleeping and naps, I felt very fuzzy and not at all quite right.  Now it is Tuesday and I think things are back to normal.  We'll see how late I can stay up tonight (last night I made it to 8:00, Sunday it was 6:00).  I need to get ready for my girls' weekend so at least 10:00 would be nice.

Yesterday I went through the photos just looking for ones I could use for this project.  I can't get my head around beginning to process the whole bunch so I started small.  It kept me from napping anyway.  Today I am getting the blogs posted (also keeping me from napping).  Maybe tomorrow I will begin the huge processing task.

My title this week refers to the inordinate amount of driving we did during our last few days in Tibet.  Everything in that part of the country seems so far away from everything else and the roads are not ideal so travel was slow.  I got two audible books completed during those few days so it wasn't all wasted time.  And the bus did bring us to nice places so...

I don't think that I have commented on the driving, have I?  Well, I can sum it up in one word:  SCARY!!!  They pass with no space around the vehicles (in front, behind or beside) and they pass on uphills, blind corners and when there is oncoming traffic just right there!  Honking is constant (not the same as it was in India but still ever present) and the horns are not pleasant, but loud, obnoxious and startle-worthy.

Anyway, I am back in Canada where traffic laws make sense so on to the photos...

I could live here (if it was in Canada).

looking down
Sort of down, sort of out, the view from my window on my flight from Tokyo to Toronto (only 12 hours!).

This mountain peak peeked out at us after we were back on the bus.  Out we all got again.  I don't know the name of the peak but the Rice Heap Glacier is right below it.

These little babies are tired (it was 45 degrees with the humidex, I don't blame them).

Look at this little baby.  He's tired too.

starts with Y
Of course, yak would be my choice for this but can you believe it, I didn't actually photograph any yaks during this week!?!  Since I already broke my rules, you're getting a yak anyway, photographed the week before somewhere in Western China.

Watching the pandas made me very happy.  I was not happy with the heat.  The pandas weren't either so they were indoors.  The glass walls were filthy dirty and it was rather dark so photography was limited but I managed to capture some happiness.

wild card
This was a mountain range at Ranwu Lake.

And now I'm all caught up.


  1. What a wonderful adventure Sharon. I admire your bravery, and perseverance, especially in light of the lost luggage. Great photos you have posted for all of your weeks, but I seem to really enjoy this last week especially. I love the pandas, and both mountain shots are spectacular. What's Next?

  2. Okay, the pandas must be my favourites this week! How can they not be? They are so soft and cuddly looking. Did you ask about that panda cuddler job we saw advertised a while back? I, too, could live in that place with that view - stunning! And the other mountain was pretty spectacular too. Great photos!
