Monday 21 August 2017

Pam's Week 32: It's a Beautiful Day, Don't Let it Get Away...

The good news is that I am not quite as far behind on this project as I thought I was.  The bad news is that I am still 2 weeks out of date and the photos I am including are admittedly mainly afterthoughts (as in I looked at the list and the photos on my camera and phone and tried to make them work so I could just catch up).  I can picture my mother shaking her head right now and biting her tongue; I am a procrastinator and she is not so many a time in my younger years I had to deal with an "I told you so" or two.

I would like to blame Sharon for my tardiness in these posts.  It was really hard to stay motivated without her to push me and guilt me and motivate me at times.  I guess that's why some journeys are best taken with friends - an accountability buddy, if you will.  I am sure Sharon will be appalled to read that she is to blame but I will have a different excuse in my next post; I promise.


Last week found me on vacation (yay) and the kids and I travelling to Brantford to visit my brother and his fiance.  Unfortunately my husband had to work both jobs all week so he wasn't able to join us.  On the bright side - he was home to take photos of the progress on our kitchen renos...

While we were away, we decided to visit the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington.  I'd never been but I heard it was nice and the piece de resistance for the kids was that there was a Lego Art in Nature exhibit going on.  We stumbled across these squares...


I have always been rather partial to waterlilies.  I think they are so pretty.  The RBG (as they refer to themselves) had so many colours I had never seen before!

I also found this statue to be particularly beautiful.


This is the one single photo I intentionally took for this project and actually took the proper week even!


I might compare this photo to my Pinterest fails in the kitchen - the idea was good but the execution was lacking some focus, preparation, effort... (it was actually taken the proper week too!)  It looked cute online but I'm not going to lie - Danica was tired (remember the tired photo from my last post?  This was taken the same night) and looks rather seductive in this photo which is disturbing to me as her mother.

Needless to say, I decided a simple photo of her eating the watermelon may have to do...


I had lots of ideas for this one and no oomph to actually get out and snap the photo.  I took a photo of this guy on the river (again in the proper week - I didn't do that bad after all!)

This little guy caught our eye hiding in the rototiller lego creation at the RBG.  Does it count as isolation if you have a pizza?

Large Depth of Field

I like how Sharon defined this in her blog to explain to me, the non-photographer, what effect I was going for with this one.  You'd think she would know me well enough to know that I would have googled it long ago!  I didn't have any fantastic ideas for this topic though (okay, I had envisioned some great photos but didn't make any effort whatsoever to create the opportunity to photograph my vision).  This was taken at the RBG again but at the Rock Garden this time.


I could have included this photo with beautiful as well as I may be biased but I think it is beautiful that my grandmother is nearly 95 years old, is still living on her own, and is sharp as a tack.  I also think the adoration my kids have for her is beautiful.  On our way to my brother's house last week, we stopped to have a little visit with my Grandma.

Perhaps I should post my next catch-up blog too while I wait for the kids to come home (a swimteam friend was down the street with her mother and invited the kids down for a swim) so I can head out to run errands (really fun things like the grocery store).


  1. I think that isolation is the BEST time to have pizza - no sharing necessary. I'll tell you what the watermelon dress photo makes me think of in person...don't want it written here never to be deleted. I love that sculpture of the hands and the Lego planting dude. My favourite is the lilies. What other colours were there? I have seen white and pink.

    1. Purple, yellow and different shades of white. There were also lots that were one colour with the tips of another colour.
