Sunday 15 January 2017

Pam's Week 2: We Come from the Land of the Ice and Snow

Given that we have been blessed (and I use that term very loosely in an attempt to remain positive in Week 2 of 2017) with yet another umpteen feet of snow this week, you may notice a trend in my interpretation of this week's assignments....


I realize this isn't well-composed and I didn't use any fancy features but these tools have been getting loads and loads of use this winter.  I took this the other night after shoveling the driveway when I was rather sad that I didn't have a chance to use the camera at all until it was dark as it was a gorgeous sunny, blue-skied day.


I know it's predictable given the winter we've had but seriously, even the snow bunnies must be satisfied by now.  Keep in mind that I am nearly 6 feet tall and although it's hard to see in the dark - that is the snowbank at the end of our driveway behind me.  I really should have had the camera with me the other day when Sharon and I took Riya, our puppy, for a walk.  The snowbanks on one of the streets were seriously 9 or 10 feet tall!!!

Even our poor little snowman thinks we've had too much snow.  His poor face disappeared over night, buried in yet another 6 inches or so of white stuff....


I attempted to take a photo of my kids at work building our little snowman but it was dark out and it didn't turn out well.  Instead, I opted for a not very attractive but very appropriate picture of me "at work" shoveling the driveway.


As Sharon mentioned in her blog post, we visited the greenhouse to find some flower petals.  I'd tried taking photos of the poinsettia and orchid in my house but the light is bad and I admittedly have a heckuva time trying to make an orchid not look like it should be black-barred...

I think I may have kept this pretty little moth orchid from looking obscene though....


I should have taken this topic less literally and used a picture of a hat or my kids for this one.  Both of my kids despise wearing hats which is an ongoing battle since it's winter and all.  It's been particularly bad the past couple of days when I insist they protect their little ears from frostbite as we partake in winter activities such as snowtubing and snowshoeing.

Instead, I went the same route as Sharon, choosing a Red African Milk Tree I photographed during our visit to the greenhouse.

I really liked how it's prickly thorns grew into something beautiful.


We don't have a cat.  I know Danica has a cat headband but do you think we could find it?  She also has a kitty blanket that she sleeps with every night but then today during our Games Night winter fun fest snowshoe today, Danica noticed that this ski binding looked like a cat.  (I was checking it out to possibly use it as a "U" for this upcoming week!)

There were quite a few things Danica was seeing in a much more creative light than I was.  Maybe I should find her camera and let her participate in the blog again this year!  Or I'll just continue to "borrow" her ideas....


So, I know this is more than one "wildcard" but today was such a gorgeous, sunny, winter day that I just had to include photos of it.

 These are my 2 kids snowshoeing.  Don't be fooled - they weren't this pleasant all afternoon and spent most of the day flopping themselves into the snow for "fun".

 Here are our colourful snowshoes.

After snowshoeing, I decided Riya deserved a winter fun day too so I took her for a walk on Whitefish Island.  Here she is lying in the snow, waiting for me to finish snapping photos for next week's blog post.

And that's it for week two....


  1. Thank goodness for your tools or you would have been trapped in the house. Great eye finding the cat Danica

  2. That old ski binding as a cat is priceless! Your orchid doesn't look obscene - great job. Love all the snowy pics (sort of) and yeah, one day we have to photograph that crazy tall bank on whatever street that is.

  3. Snow, what is that? We have not shovelled yet in Niagara. So, thanks for sharing the beautiful snow pics. The orchid picture is beautiful too.
