Saturday 28 January 2017

Sharon's Week 4: All Work and No Play...

This is my thinnest photography week in a very long time!  I have just the bare minimum of photos this week and I am not sure how I will fill this week's pages in my photobook.  I was worried that all of the overtime I was planning to work this week would interfere and it did.  I guess I will have to plan better for the next three weeks because my time won't get any freer until after Family Day weekend.

Oh well, it will feel good to have my trip to China and Tibet paid for ahead of time (that's right, I'm doing the overtime for the benefit of me, not for the benefit of the kids!).

I worked a couple of twelve hour days this week and it made me wonder how people work those shifts on a regular basis.  I can handle them right now because I know it is short term but really, I had to pack breakfast, lunch and supper those days.  It took a lot of planning and some neglect at home.  I just finished washing a pile of dishes that have been accumulating for - oh - I am not sure how many days but we ran out of butter knives (and we never run out of knives) so you can hazard a guess that it has been many days.  Levi has been pretty much on his own which has resulted in far too much screen time I am sure.  At least he has the cats to keep him company (or bother him, depending on how you look at it).

a church window
I am sure that I had big plans to actually go out and find a nice stained glass window glowing brightly but instead, I made cookies.  Here are some church window cookies.  Pam and I talked about these last night.  There is peanut butter in her recipe.  Mom, did I miss an ingredient or have you always made them without peanut butter?

happy feet
Does anybody else love Merino wool socks with arch supports?  My brother, Pete does.  He sighs with pleasure whenever he puts on a new pair.

I left this one late.  Last night Pam and I went for a walk then I convinced her to keep me company while I went onto Whitefish Island to shoot the waterfront from that angle.  When we got to the park, I decided that the administration building was quite photographic at night so I settled for that and saved Pam a possibly sprained ankle from walking on the trails in the dark.

oil and water
This is a thing I like to do every now and again.  Every time it turns out differently...sometimes the bubbles look more like planets, sometimes the colours reflect differently and sometimes it just doesn't work out.  Thankfully it did work out this time.

starts with W
This is a photo taken from beside the parking lot at Wishart Park.  In real life, the tree trunks looked really interesting but the camera compressed everything and I found it a very boring photo.  So I played with the black and white software.

a barn
I have been driving past this barn for many years (it's on Third Line West) and I have always thought it was really picturesque.  Yesterday in the light snow with grey skies (for the millionth day in a row!), it wasn't quite as picturesque so I turned it into a black and white shot.

wild card
I can't believe that nothing else came up all week.  All I have is this not very flattering photo of Levi and Eclipse on Levi's 16th birthday on Monday.  He only let me take his picture if he could use his iPad before school, and he only let me take one.  I can't believe he is 16!  He got his G1 licence on Monday and he has his first driving lesson with the driving school next week.  I'm going to let him learn on the school's car for a while before he has to learn how to drive our standard car.  Do you remember when you learned standard?  My brother Pete let me have his car for the summer after my first year in university.  I took the Go Train to Kingston, he gave me a short lesson and I drove back to Mississauga in Sunday night cottage country traffic.  Now, that is practice using a clutch!  Stop, go, stop, go, stop, nauseum.

That's my thin week for you.  Here's hoping for better productivity (fun productivity, not work productivity because that is awesome) next week.


  1. I still think it's hilarious that I also considered the church window cookies. Duncan and I almost popped by your house during our barn hunt travels this evening to get ourselves a cookie but we didn't. That's how I envisioned my oil and water - in actuality, not so much. Love the barn and the administration building photos. Doesn't look like a thin week at all to me!

  2. Too funny, that is how I envisioned my oil and water pic as well! I would buy an entire book of your bubble and fizz shots! 16 years old, that is just crazy. Don't work too hard.
