Thursday 23 February 2017

Pam's Week 6: Is it Too Late Now to Say Sorry?

I apologize for the Justin Bieber lyrics for the blog post title but I am nearly 3 weeks behind now on this project....Life, and my computer, are just making it difficult for me to keep up!  Things have been rather hectic lately and then we add in a computer that may or may not allow us to use the internet, depending on the day.   And once you're behind, it just seems so daunting to try to catch up!  But catch up I will, dang it.  I am determined!

I can't even remember what this week actually looked like in my life....Lucky for you, that will mean no babbling!  Onto the photos....

A Heart

We should give credit to google images again for this one, rather for the inspiration for this one....

Not sure how this one was going to work out, I also finagled my kids into helping make hearts into the blue sky...


You think this would be an easy one since I have 2 of them and all but it was a little more challenging than I hoped.  I also hoped to be able to snap a discreet yet gorgeous photo of someone else's kids but it somehow made me feel like a creep so couldn't do it...

This isn't a particularly creative photo but it's of a pretty great group of kids.  My kids had a swim meet this past weekend in Lansing, Michigan and this is their swim team.  Everyone did really well and the team actually got 2nd place overall!


This is perhaps the lamest photo of the week....I took it of our crazy tree trunk in our front yard.


This may have been the easiest photo as our house has an abundance of pink.  It just happens to be Danica's favourite colour.


Since Monday was Family Day, when we checked out of the hotel in Lansing, we headed over the Frankenmuth for a night.  Another swim team family who happen to be friends of ours from before joined us.  We had loads of fun.  They're one of those families we don't hang out with often but whenever we do, we decided that it should be a more regular occurrence.  Our kids get along beautifully and we adults seem to enjoy each other's company too.  And they may or may not enjoy Robert's famous mojitos....


A boy and his dog....


I didn't really feel I could reference Robert's famous mojitos and not include photos of the process.

And now I'm only one and a half weeks behind.....


  1. Hmm, do I have to join swimming to get a taste of those mojitos? Love all the hearts. Do you actually have mugs with heart shaped handles? Duncan and Riya and Danica in her pink shirt are my favourites this week. Can't wait for more.

    1. The handles are not heart-shaped; I just cleverly angled and shone the light to make the shadows look that way. I bet I can convince Robert to make you a mojito one night without you having to swim :)
