Friday 10 March 2017

Pam's Week 10: Friday, I'm in Love....

So I love Fridays.  Unfortunately today, Friday is associatedld temperatures and wicked winds.  That makes me love it not quite so much.  It appears as though the weather the rest of the weekend may be similar.  I guess maybe I'll be able to get to some of the organizing that I've had on my to-do list for ages.  Or maybe I'll cuddle up under some blankets with some hot  with frigid cotea and read a good book or three.  Who knows what the weekend will hold....

I was actually motivated to take pictures this week, now that I'm finally all caught up!  I was googling ideas (and definitions for that matter as I admittedly had no idea what "light painting" was).  I took my first 3 photos last Sunday even.  Then I suddenly realized tonight that I had like 4 more pictures to take that I hadn't gotten around to taking yet.  Oopsie daisy.  I got it done though.


This was an easy one.  We had an overload of candy at Danica's sleepover a couple of weeks ago so there was still lots in the cupboard, begging to be photographed.


I have to make a confession.  With no ideas whatsoever for this one, I googled and came across a post with all kinds of texture ideas.  One of them was a photo of food.  This one seemed perfect for me as I was making a honey sesame pulled pork with an Asian slaw for dinner.  So many different colours and textures!  It was pretty yummy too.


Everyday I get up, get ready for work, make my breakfast, pack lunches and head out the door.  Everyday after work, with the exception of Tuesdays and Fridays, I pick the kids up at school and take them to the Y for their activities.  Everyday I take Riya for a walk.  Guess which one I thought would make the most interesting photo?

Starts with Z

The first words that popped into my head were zoo and zebra but there is a lack of both of those around here.  We do have a small zoo but I went to it once and was in tears as it was appallingly small and I felt heartbroken for the animals.  I looked at my fruit bowl and saw some limes though and had an a-ha moment - zest!

Polka Dots

I met my husband on a cruise ship.  I was on a cruise of Australia and New Zealand with my parents and Robert was our bar waiter in the show lounge every night.  On one of those nights, he made me a rose out of napkins.  It remains his trademark move with all the ladies.  He wins the hearts of many of the elderly patients at the hospital by leaving one of his roses on their meal trays.  These polka dot napkins were left over from Danica's sleepover and when I mentioned to Sharon I had polka dot napkins but no idea what to do with them to make an interesting photo, she asked if I could do napkin art.  I must thank her for the idea.

Here's a shot of the rose itself so you can see how intricate it actually looks.

Light Painting

I spent lots of time googling ideas for this through the week and trying to figure out how I was going to pull this off with my point and shoot camera with limited manual options (and none that I am particularly adept at).  I then decided to play with the slow synchro flash mode on my camera instead.  You see, I've accidentally used it before and ended up with some bizarre-o photos.  This time I thought I would google it to see what it's for and how to use it.  It also looked like I could potentially get some light painting techniques, which I didn't end up with, but I think I got a pretty freaky shot anyways.

Danica was jumping off Riya's favourite ledge.  I also like how she's suspended in mid-air in this next one, although the effects weren't quite as dramatic.


This is another throwback from Danica's non-birthday party birthday sleepover.  I like to call it "Irony".

And that's all for this week, folks.  Looking ahead to next week, I feel I may once again be relying on google for some ideas and inspiration.

Stay safe, warm, and cozy this March Break everyone!  I don't have a break, except from running kids around, this week.


  1. Ha! I did lime zest too! I love that rose and the photos of Danica with it are favourite is the one with her smelling it. Whatever you did to get that freaky effect is fantastic. The cupcake is beautiful and is making me hungry. It's sad that our ground is still covered in snow but I like the pic of Riya anyway :). Great week, Pam.

  2. Wow, your light painting shots are so awesome! and the rose is beautiful.
