Saturday 4 March 2017

Pam's Week 7: You Say Go Slow, I Fall Behind...

The second hand unwinds.....

Slowly but surely, I'm catching up!  I will admit, however, that some of this week's photos may be a long stretch to fit into the assigned topics and there may be one or two omitted.  I feel like if I can at least get to this week's topics, I will be able to motivate myself to continue again.

I really should have been more productive last week - the sun was shining, the sky was blue, the weather was gorgeous....unfortunately, I was packing and prepping for our trip to Lansing for the swim meet and the photos got neglected.  This week now is rainy and miserable.  The sun seems to be making an appearance during the day while I'm at work.  The weather in Lansing, though was incredible!  It was 20 degrees and we were in flipflops!  There was not a flake of snow in sight!  It gave me hope that spring may eventually find us.

Addendum:  when I began posting this last week, my computer officially crashed in the middle of the post.  Imagine my delight to discover, upon logging into my newly improved computer, that at least part of my post saved as a draft!!!


I happened to be looking around the pool/waterpark area at our hotel on Sunday night for possible photo opportunities (I really wanted pictures of some kids for last week's post but felt like a pervert so didn't do it) and discovered this little "4".


Our friends' daughters brought their mermaid tails with them to Lansing this weekend so of course all the kids wanted to try them out.  And now Danica wants one for her birthday; I hope she's not too disappointed....  This is my friend, Anna, helping Duncan into the tail for his turn as a merman.


My husband and I tend to be make work projects when it comes to throwing parties and they, as a result, end up costing lots of money and taking days and days to prepare for.  As a result, we have put a cut off age on birthday parties for our kids and it was supposed to be 7.  Last Sunday, Danica turned 8.  She didn't even ask for a birthday party, knowing that the answer would be no.  Instead, she and her friends planned a sleepover (which I think still constitutes as a party - just a longer, more drawn out version).  One of their activities was pillowcase decorating.  Here is a picture of them drawing on pillowcases.

As a bonus, I thought I'd include a picture of the painting Danica made Robert and I for Valentine's Day.


I'm sure when Sharon put this topic in the list, she was picturing the white picket fence type of fence.  Trying to go for the creativity points since I knew I wasn't winning any awards with my fence photos, I decided to make Duncan and our friends' son, Ryleigh, "fence" with chopsticks and strainer masks in our living room.  They might need some technique pointers....

Starts with A

Danica and I were stuck at a train crossing a couple of weeks ago and when I started complaining about it being so annoying, she pointed out that it could be a starts with A topic.  Voila...

I also bought asparagus this week as it was on sale though so thought it might provide a more photogenic "starts with A"


When we were in Frankenmuth after the swim meet in Lansing a couple of weeks ago, our friends joined us.  We thought we'd grab dinner at one of the restaurants in the Bavarian Inn.  After waiting 20 minutes for a table, we ended up waiting another 15 or 20 minutes for the waitress to take our order and then close to an hour to receive any of our food.  Needless to say, the kids were a little wild.  Admittedly, we were starving too.  This is a photo of our friends' youngest daughter.  I would suggest that this is just her hungry face but I think it rather stunningly captures her feisty personality.

On my walk with Riya this afternoon, I also came across this boat in someone's front yard and it somehow struck me as funny too...


I felt like I had to include a picture of the mermaid tails on a couple of our swim team's little mermaids.

This should have been included in "funny" I suppose but I thought it should be shared.  Duncan came across this "Angry Mama" microwave cleaner thing-a-ma-bob in Target and imitated it as he told me that he thought I needed it.

Phew....One more week to do for "catch up" and then this current week and then I can begin on this coming week's assignments!  I can do this.....


  1. Woohoo! I am glad the computer saved a draft of the post. I feel like I have seen that boat in the yard but can't pinpoint where. Great catch on that 4 and I really love the train tracks and fencing photos.

  2. Aaack! I just realized it posted the photo of the girls decorating pillow cases twice! Oh no....

  3. Awesome Pam, The artwork "LOVE" by Danica is beautiful. Sharon, did you actually pull this list together? Because if you did, we need to talk. Really!! "instrument", "spicy" and "drawing"
