Saturday 4 March 2017

Pam's Week 9: Finally, It's Happened to Me

Right in front of my face and I just cannot hide it....Sorry - the song popped into my head, the lyrics seemed sort of appropriate since I've FINALLY caught up, and I just had to finish the lyric in case no one else reading this was able to.  I mean, it's likely been a while since anyone has busted out the Cece Peniston.

Anyways, I did it!  I caught up!  Now I can start this upcoming week along with everyone else!  Yay!  Being behind is stressful.  I'm okay with procrastination but I always get my last minute projects done on time.  This being late thing was not okay with me.  But now I'm caught up and there is no more looking back!


We don't play a lot of instruments in our house.  I used to take organ lessons a few years back (okay, I quit when I was in Grade 8 which was apparently about 32 years ago, give or take a few days).  I've often considered signing my kids up for some sort of music class but then finding the time and money and being organized enough to do it just hasn't worked out in our favour.  I think the fact that they have a pretty good music program at their school doesn't exactly make me feel like they are missing out either which then decreases the motivation further.  I briefly considered the other definition of "instrumental" but that required much too much thought, preparation, creativity for a last minute attempt so vetoed that rather quickly.  So what to do with a recorder.....before you check out the picture, please realize that the concept was better than the execution (again, the tools required were not readily available).

Starts with R

I figured this would be an easy one in our house - our last name is an R one, our dog is named "Riya", my husband's name is "Robert", our furniture is red.  Then this afternoon, Duncan and I were invited to join our friends at the mall to check out some engineering/robotics festival displays.  Duncan and Lucas would have spent hours playing with the Remote controlled Robots if we would have let them.

Button Up

This photo really needs no explanation.


What is spicier than a bunch of chili peppers of various sorts?


While driving home this evening, I saw the perfect lampposts against the deep blue sky at sunset but didn't stop to take the photos.  Duncan suggested I try tomorrow night but I am worried the sun won't cooperate 2 days in a row plus I was really wanting to get this blog post finished tonight.  Luckily I decided I needed a little snack and found that the spring rolls my mother-in-law made make a perfect T on the plate.


Usually there is an abundance of birds at Whitefish Island but I think they were all huddled together for warmth last night as during our entire walk around the island, we saw a single chickadee and he certainly wasn't coming anywhere near us long enough for me to snap a photo.  And given that my fingers were about to fall off after removing my mittens long enough to even try a single shot, I decided I wasn't prepared to sit patiently and wait.  I've always liked the Mill Market sign, though, and thought this would be the perfect opportunity to take a photo of it.

Then today while we were at the engineering festival, there was a booth where kids could use toothpicks and gumdrops to build structures.  It was interesting to see their personalities emerge.  Lucas built this incredible bridge with trusses and all.  Duncan made a family of cranes.


I don't think this is one of my better photos but the story makes me chuckle.  When I got out of the car last night to take a picture of the Mill Market sign, I didn't let Riya get out.  When I tried to get back in, this was the scene.  She wouldn't move either.  I tried to sit on the seat and she wouldn't budge.  I ended up making her get out of the car and bribing her to get back in the back seat.  Looking at the photo now, though, I think it's sort of cool how you can see the reflection of the market in the window.

Oh my goodness - it's actually happened.  I finished this week's blog post tonight which means that I am officially all caught up!!!  Yay!  Now I'll be able to sleep tonight.  Hopefully it helps all of you get a good night sleep knowing that this stress is out of my life now too.

Have a great week!  Here's hoping it's full of sunshine and blue skies!


  1. You make me laugh. Thank you for that. Riya in the car looks like she is just daring you. The chili peppers is my favourite photo this week but Duncan's jammies are a close second.

    Of course I will sleep better knowing this stress is out of your life :). And I have no idea who Cece whatever is and I can't identify the song :(.

    1. I could sing the whole song for you...or you could find it on youtube...

  2. That was awesome Pam, and I know and love that song!! Your interpretation of the topics is great, and man can I relate to the puppy story. Don't tell my husband, but his name is Rob too and I never even considered him as a topic!! Have a great week.
