Saturday 18 March 2017

Pam's Week 11: It Don't Matter if You're Black or White

The sun has been shining nearly every day this week.  All week I've been feeling motivated, energized, ready to conquer the world (which is not typical for me after a time change; I usually miss that hour from the Spring Ahead until we get it back in the Fall).  I feel as though the events that have been stealing my mojo for the past two years will no longer have that power over me.  I feel like good trumps evil and karma will have it's day!  Then today the skies are grey and I'm worried it was all an illusion, a facade, if you will.  I worry that Monday morning will be like Groundhog Day and I will be transported back to 2015 and have to live it all again.   I am sure hoping tomorrow's anticipated sunny skies bring back my cloak of invincibility!

I am not sure what Sharon was drinking or thinking when she made this year's list of photo assignments but they seem to be getting more and more difficult!  I'm not sure if it's because I realize some of the topics are repeats and I worry about taking the same picture over again or if my expectations are higher or just the timing of the topics is off from my ideas.  I don't know what it is.  I feel like I need a vacation as the photo opportunities seem to be running out here in good ole Sault Ste. Marie...

Anyways, here goes nothing....

A Snack

You would think this would be a fairly easy thing to find.  The problem is that I've been really trying to avoid evening snacking and focus on eating healthier and I've been rather successful at it this week, in spite of the skinny people in my house who like to fill our cupboards with chocolate, chips, donuts, and the like.  I realize there are healthy snacks but I couldn't figure out how to make almonds or sugar snap peas look photogenic.  Last night while Sharon and I took Riya for a walk, we ran into my sister-in-law on her way home from the grocery store with a box of doughnuts.  Even though I have thus far successfully avoided eating them, I decided they would be a pretty snack for a photo.

Through a Window

We have a huge front window in our house and it doesn't have any window coverings, making it seem as though we live in a giant fishbowl at times, but also then making it the perfect window for this assignment.  Any other week, I could come home at pretty much any time and find the puppy and at least one of the kids sitting on the ledge and looking at me.  Do you think they did that for me this week?  Not a chance.  I tried to have them pose in the window last night but I didn't like the yellowish glow from the lights nor did I like the unnaturalness of the pictures.  (Is that a word?  I apologize if it isn't.)  I included the best one anyways.  This morning, however, as the kids and I got into the car to head to the Mill Market to meet Sharon for the maple syrup festival, there was Riya in the window so we paused a moment so I could snap the picture.


For a change of scenery the other night, Sharon and I met at Fort Creek to take Riya for a walk along the Hub Trail.  As I'm writing this, I realize how many puppy walks Sharon is a part of and it's no wonder Riya gets so excited to see her!  I spent most of the walk looking for symmetry but then Sharon asked me what I was thinking for "D" and I looked past her and saw this....

It was part of the railing along the path.


I will admit that this was the topic I was afraid of this week.  I have no idea how to photograph jewelry nicely.  Thanks to my good friend Google (you should meet him if you haven't already) and some glow bracelets Danica got from a birthday party last weekend, the arm of the couch in our darkened playroom, and my engagement and wedding rings from Robert, I was able to create this...

I know it's not perfect but I was pleased with the attempt.  It's too bad both bracelets were the same colour as I think it could have looked cool with 2 different coloured bracelets in the background.


Symmetry was rather elusive this week.  This is a photo of a symmetrical bridge on the Hub Trail.  Unfortunately the shadows, snow melt, and trees surrounding the bridge were only approximating symmetry.

Black and White

I have to give props to Duncan for this first photo.  After the Mill Market today, we were driving along the waterfront in search of something that may look impressive in black and white and he asked me to stop to take a photo of the Spirits Rising Monument.  He then took the camera and proceeded to take a few photos.  This was our favourite.

When we arrived home, I consulted my friend, Google, for further inspiration and decided to try to take photos of Danica and Riya in black and white.


After we toured around the Mill Market and indulged on waffles (the kids) and maple bacon apple pizza (Sharon and I), the kids wanted to visit Entomica.  It's a small but interesting little insectarium housed in the Mill Market.  Duncan was particularly enthralled by these Blue Death Feigning Beetles that play dead when they feel threatened.  They're happily walking around his hands so clearly like him.

While we were there, Duncan learned that they take student volunteers who can learn about the bugs and how to handle them and give little tours to the public.  He gave them his name and contact information as he is interested in helping out this summer.  I was surprised they would take kids that young but I think he would enjoy the responsibility.

Here's hoping the sun shines all week, the snow all melts, and my invincibility shield recharges completely!  Here's hoping for good things for all of you too!

1 comment:

  1. Grrr...this one-handed typing! The black and white of Danica is my hands-down favourite this week. Kudos to Duncan for the Monument shot. I love the angle. You'll have to consult him when we get to "crooked horizon" later this year - that one is going to kill me. Love the rings and I like the blue and yellow in your first window shot.
