Monday 17 April 2017

Donna's Week 15 - My new wall picture


We saw these cool, grow your own mushroom kits at the farmers market in San Francisco.  This is as close to "homemade" as I could get.

Looking back

This is Rob "looking back" down the giant hill we just climbed in our cable car ride in San Fran.  I am not sure the picture does it justice.  The arch in the very background at the bottom of the hill is the Oakland bridge.


I cropped this down from a row of garages on the hill.  


David and Karen actually brought some bubbles to Easter dinner, but I didn't have my camera with me, so I reached back, once again, to Yellowstone Park.  The top picture is of 3 bubbling mini geysers, while the bottom one is a bubbling mud pot.  Apparently, I love all different soils, even the boiling kind!


Yes, there is a reason why Yellowstone Park is called YELLOWstone park,  and yes, you guessed it, it is because of all the "yellow" stone.  The yellowstone river cuts a huge canyon through this yellow rock right down the centre of the park.  Below is my version of the iconic yellowstone waterfall photo.

Starts with E

In keeping with the yellowstone theme, here is an awesome Elk that Blake and I saw on one of our early morning drives through the park.  

 Wild Card

For people who have not been to my house, there is an extra large picture of the Eiffel Tower, that I took, hanging in the entry way.  The picture below is going to be joining that image.

Have a Great Week!


  1. Soooo jealous of your elk shots. They are awesome. I feel slightly embarrassed that I never really thought of the name - Yellowstone. Nor did I realize that there was yellow stone everywhere. Okay, not just slightly embarrassed...really embarrassed! Good eye catching that M. I'm not sure how the angles of such a long hill could be captured - I know that when I try to get the scale of a huge hill hiking, it never looks as big as it should. Say hi to Rob and Blake for me.

  2. I love the yellow stone in the Yellowstone picture. I remember those hills in San Francisco - being in the back seat of a car at the top of one and feeling we were just going to fall off the face of the earth because the hill was so steep I couldn't even see it! I think the mushrooms are crazy clever. Great pics!

  3. Always love that Eiffel tower pic when I come over - reminds of our great trip to England, Ireland and Paris in 2011. The wildcard pic will look great beside it - can't wait to see it.
