Saturday 29 April 2017

Donna's Week 17 - Better late than never for my friend Diane Van Dooran

Week 17

One of this week's topics reminded me that my friend Diane asked me to send her pictures of Elk Falls in Campbell River BC.  Diane and Blake and I had a great lunch in Victoria and I told her we were off to Courtenay, Comox and Campbell River.  Diane had lived in Courtenay and told me to send her pictures of the new swing bridge at Elk Fall's.  Well that was almost an entire year ago, so sorry my friend.  You have probably been back to Campbell River and seen it for yourself, but if not, the waterfall pictures below are for you, my friend.


These carrots were at the Farmers Market in San Francisco

Made of Wood

The dock and harbour in Comox, BC


I think these raindrops look like little jewels on the branch.

Starts with "O"

One of the first trips Rob and I did together was to Smith River in northern California.  We flew to Portland and drove down the Oregon coast.  Just over the border into California is Smith River.  We stayed at this little hotel right at the mouth of the smith river and the ocean.  Rob went to work and I walked around taking pictures of birds.  It was then that I saw two of the most playful and amazing adult river otters, in the wild.  they were fishing and eating and swimming.  It was really special and since then otters and especially river otters are my most favourite animal!!

Portrait of a Friend

This is Rob's dad, OPA, and he is everyone's friend!

and finally


These are for you Diane!!  Miss you!


  1. Apart from the bridge freaking me out just a little, your photos are all just gorgeous this week. The colours in the veggies shot and the harbour are so beautiful and your photo of Opa makes me want to know him.

  2. The bridge freaks me out too, Sharon! I like the colours in the veggies and harbour too and I would like to adopt that adorable little otter!
